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IAAPA Attractions 2012

■Date: November 13~16, 2012
■Website: www.iaapa.org
■Venue: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA.
■Products: Gift machines, crane machines, redemption machine, kiddie rides, basketball machines, amusement machines, photo stickers, juke box, 3D cinema, VR motion simulator, table hockey, billiard and bowling equipment, inflatable amusement facility, outdoor and waterpark amusement facility, related component and products.
1.With assorted amusement facilities, theme park and related products as its main exhibiting content, IAAPA Attractions Expo is the amusement industry event with the largest scale and longest history in the world.  In the 2011 edition, IAAPA brings together 1,106 exhibitors from 32 countries occupied at an indoor exhibit area spanning 477,474 square feet and at an outdoor exhibit area measured 49,074 square feet.  Among all exhibitors, there were 21 exhibitors from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  A lot of new products were launched, and mainly edutainment products.
2.IAAPA has always been seen as biggest event in the industry, and has always attracted enormous visitors.  In 2011, there were 25,800 registered attendees (exhibitors, professional buyers and general visitors included) from Canada, China, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Poland, Taiwan, Turkey, Uruguay, UK, Ukraine, US, and Venezuela joined the show.
3.Exhibitors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan brings strong lineup to IAAPA, using the international platform to make promotion GTI will make on-the-spot promotion for GTI Global Network and distribute copies of GTI Magazine and GTI Asia Taipei 2013 entrance tickets at the venue to the world.

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