November 17~19 Balkan Entertainment Gaming Expo (BEGE) 2021 Venue: Inter Expo Center Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359-2-8129474/ 443 Email: info@balkangamingexpo.com Website: www.balkangamingexpo.com |
July 28~30 Billiard Home Leisure Expo 2021 Venue:South Point Hotel Casino Convention Center Las Vegas USA Contact: Billiard Congress of America TEL: +1-404-760-2843 Email: CBokath@meetingexpectations.com Website: www.bcaexpo.com |
October 20~22 Betting on Sports Europe 2020(线上展/Online) Venue: Stamford Bridge London UK Contact: South Betting Community (SBC) Riverbank House 1 Putney Bridge Approach London SW6 3JD Tel: +44-161-3671250 Email: info@sbcgaming.com Website: www.sbcevents.com/betting-on-sports-europe |
April 17 Big Africa Roadshow Addis Ababa Venue: Addis Ababa Ethiopia Website: www.bigafricasummit.com |
April 7~9 BET iGaming Conference London 2020 Venue: Old Billingsgate London UK Email: sponsor@betexpo.uk Website: www.betexpo.uk |
November 20~21 Balkan Entertainment Gaming Expo (BEGE) 2019 Venue: Inter Expo Center Sofia Bulgaria Contact: 7 Kukush Str.1345 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359-2-8129-474/ 438 Fax: +359-2-8129-479 Email: info@balkangamingexpo.com Website: www.balkangamingexpo.com |
November 20~21 BEGE Expo 2019 Venue: Inter Expo Center Sofia Bulgaria Contact: Milena Tsankarska Project Manager 7 Kukush Str. 1345 Sofia Bulgaria Email: info@balkangamingexpo.com Website:www.balkangamingexpo.com |
October 13~15 BIEA Expo 2019 Venue: Hall 2 Bahrain International Exhibition Convention Center Bahrain Tel: +973-7737-1100/+973-3900-4465 Email: alaa.ismaeel@biea-expo.com Website: www.biea-expo.com |
September 17~20 Betting on Sports 2019 Venue: Olympia London UK Tel: +44-161-3671250 Email: info@sbcgaming.com Website: www.sbcevents.com/betting-on-sports-2019 |
June 23~27 Bowl Expo International 2019 Venue: Paris Hotel and Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas NV USA Tel: +1-888-649-5585 Fax: +1-817-633-6129 Email: expo@bpaa.com Website: http://bpaa.com/bowlexpo |
May 9 Baltic Scandinavian Gaming Summit 2019 Venue: Radisson Blu Royal Astorija Hotel Vilnius Lithuania Email: zoltan.tundik@europeangaming.eu Website: https://marebalticumgaming.com |
March 25~26 BiG Africa Supershow 2019 Venue: Emperors Palace Johannesburg South Africa Contact: Suite 1104 Crawford House 70 Queen`s Road Central Hong Kong China Tel: +2710 500 9849 / +2711 083 8386 (South Africa) Tel: +852 5511 8385 (Hong Kong) Fax: +2786 603 2427 Email: info@eventus-international... |
November 21~22 BEGE Expo 2018 Venue: Inter Expo Center Sofia Bulgaria Contact: Milena Tsankarska Project Manager 7 Kukush Str. 1345 Sofia Bulgaria Email: info@balkangamingexpo.com Website:www.balkangamingexpo.com |
April 22~24 Brazilian Gaming Congress (BgC) 2018 Venue: Tivoli Mofarrej São Paulo Brazil Contact: Eliane Nunes Content Production Communications Manager Clarion Events Limited Bedford House Fulham High Street London SW6 3JW UK. Tel: +55-11-38931333 Email: eliane.nunes@clarionevents.com Web... |
November 22~23 BEGE Expo 2017 Venue: Inter Expo Center 147 Tzarigradsko Shousse Blvd Sofia Bulgaria Contact: Milena Tsankarska Project Manager 7 Kukush Str. 1345 Sofia Bulgaria Email: info@balkangamingexpo.com Website: www.balkangamingexpo.com |