1.An electronic roulette that combines the traditional roulette game with the latest technology, offering a great attraction for players.
2.Models of 12-player, 8-player, and single-player available.
3.Professional electromechanical wheel, French or American, with one or two zeros to allow random generation of winning numbers and provide transparency in the process.
4.Elegant design along with modern touch screen on each terminal to make the most of betting.
5.Option of a video camera connected to the wheel or a recording showing the winning numbers to offer confidence to players
6.Bi Plato Electro Chance system option that may connect two Rolling Money Plus machines.
7.May be configured for cash in and cash out with magnetic cards, bill acceptors, TI/TO systems, printers, key or manual charge /payment or manual tickets.
For more information please contact Electro Chance Gaming Supplies., TEL: +54-11-4687-8031, FAX: +54-11-4016-0062, E-mail: info@electrochance.com Website: www.electrochance.com