, operator of UK online casino and the world’s first real money virtual reality (VR) online casino,, has launched a new B2B business arm, ALEA Play. ALEA Play gives other operators access to its innovative online casino platform, which includes a portfolio packed with more than 2,000 blockbuster desktop titles from 45+ suppliers, including NetEnt, Quickspin and Red Tiger. In addition, they receive exclusive access to slots from Felix Gaming and Noble Gaming. ALEA Play’s fast servers ensure the platform runs seamlessly across desktop and mobile devices, with more than 1,000 mobile games that include a growing collection of VR mobile slots, starting with Pragmatic Play’s Sugar Rush. ALEA’s innovative API holds all information sent and received. Through ALEA Play, this is all available to ALEA’s operator partners. This data (including IDs, ratios, tags and the automatic creation of games in the back office) can even be used to improve their own software.

Operator of 3D virtual reality casino unveils powerful content platform with 2,000+ titles.
Alexandre Tomic, ALEA co-founder, said: “We are thrilled to announce the launch of ALEA Play, and to be able to share our innovative and flexible platform, technology and content portfolio with other operators. We have built our technology in-house from the ground up and have ensured that it is powerful, scalable, and capable of serving a large number of other operators in addition to our SlotsMillion and LadyLucks brands. Virtual reality is on the cusp of entering the mainstream for the first time, so we are providing a huge opportunity for operators to get in on the action without having to invest heavily in their own technology.” ALEA was founded back in 2012 with the aim of creating a world-class online casino experience and to design and develop new technologies and innovations to drive player engagement and take online casino to the next level.