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To be the best in Asia and offer what you want ---- GTI

If you want to seek excellent Asian manufacturers and products as well as learn about the latest industry information, there’s no other choice better than GTI Magazine. Launched in 1995 and issued 11 all year round, GTI Magazine is the only export English magazine of games and amusement industry in Asia that has been issued among over 130 countries and regions.
Usually, GTI Magazine will be sent directly to those manufacturers, or can be read online. At the same time, we will make promotions around the world. This year, our GTI team has attended several international games and entertainment expos including EAG Int’l & VAE, ATRAX, RAAPA Expo Spring, IAAPI Amusement Expo, DEAL, ENADA Roma, G2E Asia, IAAPA Expo Asia, AGE Cambodia, Philippine Attractions and Amusement Expo, Phil-Asian Gaming Expo and so on. A lot of feedback has been received through these expos.
Next, we will attend the GTI Asia China Expo 2019 and IAAPA Expo Europe 2019 with the 178 issue of GTI Magazine. We are looking forward to your further consultation and read on our latest online magazine.

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