Company Logo:
Company Gauss Enterprise
Address No. 6, Lane 11, Fujhong 10th St., Taichung, Taiwan 40766 Map
Phone: +886-4-2358-5223 EXT:
Fax +886-4-2358-7803
Contact Person:
Mobile Phone: +886-911-669951
Type of Business Manufacturer
R&D Provider
Business Items Gauss Enterprise (Gauss Hi-Tech Company) was founded in 1982 at the name of Gauss Automation Industrial Co., Ltd. and was located in Da-Chie Rd., Chieng Shuei, Taichung Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Country: TW
Product 11:
Picture Name: GSE-626A
Description: GSE-626A Single Game& Multigame Introduction:

1. The initial screen simulate Google search engine.

2. Player touches "HOME" on the screen to play four amusement games. It is just like the player download the amusement games from website.
Product 12:
Picture Name: GSE-623
Description: GSE-623 Multigame Features:

1. Multi-language Amusement games.

2. Eight gambling games.

3. About 30 amusement games for all ages.

4. Using password to protect gambling games.
Product 13:
Picture Name: GSE-625
Description: GSE-625 On-line arcade game developing system

System requirement
1. GSE-625 Master (Server) & Client-end Software must be operated by WinXP.
2. Internet IP (Fixed IP ADSL or FTTB).

Product 14:
Picture Name: GSE
Description: Features:

1. Eleven sets wires of popular arcade games are attached.

2. Fan for dissipating heat and 110V plug.

3. Popular keyboard that is good for all kinds of games.
Product 15:
Picture Name: GSE-596
Description: GSE-596 Arcade Game Interface Card for PC Feature:

1. Arcade Games for PC.

2. Player can play games by Mouse or Keyboard of P.C. or Joystick.

3. External "KEYIN", "KEYOUT", "RECORD", "TEST", "MINIMIZE", "CLOSE" switches are available.